Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Sunday, December 28, 2014


The video is here below:

I cannot tell you when the last Solemn High Mass, with deacon and subdeacon, was celebrated on Guam. It was definitely in the 1960s, as the Novus Ordo came into effect in early 1970. But, even before that, the traditional Mass was being modified little by little, and many traditional observances fell to the wayside, and I suspect the Solemn High Mass was one of them.

So this Solemn High Mass celebrated in 2012 by Canon Jean Marie Moreau (Institute of Christ the King), with Fr Eric Forbes, OFM Cap as deacon and Mr. Joseph Capulong as subdeacon, was the first on Guam in 42 years or more.

We have not had another Solemn High Mass since then, but it is on our list of hoped-for Masses.

Monday, December 22, 2014


Before Mass

Rorate Mass this year was celebrated today at 545AM with Rosary preceding Mass. People were at the Friary chapel since a little after 5AM.

The chapel was dark except for the abundant candles on the altar and to the sides of it. Just as Our Lord was born as the Light in this darkened world.

Elevation of the Chalice

The Mass is in honor the Blessed Mother, without whom there is no Incarnation or Christmas.

"Domine non sum dignus."

As I turned around to show the Host to the people at the Domine non sum dignus, I noticed that the sun was just coming out over the hills to the east. The people were just about to receive their Lord, the Light of our souls, just as the planetary sun was beginning to shine.

After Mass, with the sun shedding its first rays of light on the island

The faithful at the end of Mass