Sunday, December 9, 2012


The TLM Community at St Margaret Mary Church in Oakland, CA gathers after every Sunday Mass for refreshments in the church hall.  It survives on people's donations; food or cash.  Some Sundays, they barely know where to get food to meet their needs.

So last Sunday, I gave $100 in your name (the TLM Community on Guam) to Arden Glass, the lady who coordinates the refreshments.  I think it's important for the different TLM communities to support each other.  I assisted at St Margaret Mary for a year and a half, and benefitted very much from my time there.

Here is Arden's response :

Dea Father Forbes and the Latin Mass Community of Guam-

When you gave our kitchen crew the amazing donation last Sunday
fromyour Traditional Laatin Mass community, I never thought it would take almost a week to tell all of you how surprised and overwhelmed we were by this unexpected generosity.

I have to say we aren't over it yet! It has waarmed our hearts to know there are such kind and generous friends who have thought of us. Now we will think of you always and hope to get to know all of you and whata you are able to do as a group.

You have to know that if we could steal Fr. Forbes we would do it in a minute. We hope you know how fortunate you are.

I apologize for the delay in writing but my e-mail (AOL) haad done something wrong with my account and it took msot of the week to get that stsraight, and then my son did something to my computer and I couldn't turn it on. But here we are at ;ast, finally able to to show our appreciation of your kindness.

Our kitchen crew would like to learn more about you and your Latin Mass community. It seems a wonderful thing to span so many miles to find you have the same love for our beautiful Mass as we do.

If someonewould like to e-mail us, you can send it to me for the time being. We would be happy to heaer from you.

We all thank you again for your gracios and generous gift. We will keep you in our prayers.

God bless all of you,

Margaret, Diana Joan and Arden                                                                          

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